A number of people have asked me for the typical definition of a Contract Managers responsibilities. That being said, here are a few of the common comments in addition to the appropriate education and experience:
- Administers ongoing contracts and supports new business activity for a variety of contract types.
- On less complex contracts, reviews proposal terms, conditions and special provisions to evaluate and make determinations of risks and other factors.
- Provides on-site advice and assistance to the Project Manager and the project management team on contract management and policy compliance matters.
- Ensures contract documents are consistent with agreements reached at negotiations.
- Acts as a liaison between Project Manager and the client preparing and disseminating information regarding contract status, compliance, modifications, and contract notice requirements.
- Evaluates contract performance to determine necessity for amendments or extensions of contracts and compliance to contractual obligations.
- Leverages the Numerous Benefits of e.ssential Contract Guardian. (Ok, I made that up)