Monday, December 9, 2013

Contract Guardian Search Receives Inter-Face Lift

Contract Management Search | Hosted Contract Management - Contractguardian
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Search Wikiquote (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Face-Lift for Search in Contract Guardian

The Inter-Face Lift (excuse the pun) change is in the delivery of the results.  The contract management search module in Contract Guardian now delivers the most effective results in addition to its reputation for arguably the best and certainly fastest search engine in the contract management industry.

Meta Data of Contract

Every search that has a hit on the Meta data of a contract delivers the following:

  • Name of contract
  • Link to the contract meta data and attachments
  • Type of agreement
  • Organization 
  • Status of contract
  • Name of the field(s) where the content matches.  It also highlights in yellow the search argument.
  • Date contract was created
  • Who (user) that created the agreement
  • Date contract was modified
  • Who (user) that last modified the agreement

Actual Contract and Attachments (PDF, Word, Excel, etc.)

Every search that has a hit on the content of the contract (primary attachment) and other attachments delivers the following:

  • Name of agreement
  • Link to the agreement and the document (contract / attachment)
  • Expiration Date of attachment (if provided)
  • Snippet of text surrounding the search phrase that is highlighted in yellow for each instance that it finds a match 

  • Date contract was modified
  • Who (user) that last modified the agreement

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Thom,
That’s great. You should maybe consider to offer the search as a stand-alone facility for all types of digital assets. Some companies (their marketing teams) may want to use it to audit/manage their white papers, webinars, case studies, etc. that they make available to Web visitors.