Monday, August 3, 2015

Contract Guardian Release Graphical Workflow Manager

Contract Guardian Release Graphical Workflow Manager 

Cincinnati, OH - July 24, 2015 - Contract Guardian (solution from Rippe & Kingston Systems, Inc.) today announced it has released Contract Guardian Workflow Management,which manages contract approvals, reviews and other processes from within Contract Guardian. Through this advanced workflow capability, contract managers, compliance officers and other business leaders can automate the tedious, and often manual, approval and reviews processes required to push forward critical contracts, projects and initiatives.

Read complete press release.

Learn more about Contract Guardian by calling 513.977.4544 or request a demonstration

1 comment:

Robert John said...

I'm thinking about it because I know how challenging it is to finish a dissertation if you're a student. How simple you can make it is entirely up to you. I used dissertation help to create my thesis. It is up to each individual student to determine how quickly they can finish their dissertation.